United Way is dedicated to serving our community by supporting local non-profit organizations and connecting with the citizens of Greene County. As a way to work with both groups, GCUW has created our Virtual Volunteer Center - a place where agencies can post volunteer opportunities and volunteers can find a tasks that fits their passion and skills.
September/October Opportunities:
Domestic Violence Services of Southwestern Pennsylvania: 9/14/24 is our kick-off of Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM). DVAM lasts through the end of October so this volunteer opportunity is available until 10/31/24.
- October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and DVSSP is looking for assistance in spreading the word. Signs and bows will need to be distributed across the county. To do this, volunteers would need to collect signs and bows from one of our advocates and then visit local businesses, community members, religious institutions, storefronts, etc. to see if the people would be willing to put up signs and bows. Volunteers can also ask these same places if they are interested in DVSSP sending a speaker to them for Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
- Contact Information: Shelena Rauscher at 724-223-5477 or [email protected]
Second Sam Nine - Volunteers are needed monthly to:
- Be a buddy for adults with IDD. Help explain, redirect, and be a listening friend.
- Present about a topic, demonstrate a skill, or lead a craft project or music lesson.
- Light and deep cleaning opportunities. Sidewalks and parking need power washed (once a year.). Our van needs washed too.
- Pray for us.
- If you have another interest that you'd like to share with us, once or regularly, please let us know.
- Regularly scheduled volunteers are required to submit clearances/background checks.
- We appreciate one-time visitors as well as regular visitors.
Catholic Charities - Volunteers are needed to:
- Paint the front of the building located at 72 East High Street in Waynesburg
- Fix the "Catholic Charities" sign on this building
- Please contact Katie Zaccone at [email protected] if you are interested to arrange a date and time.
Corner Cupboard Foodbank:
- We invite volunteers to assist at our Franklin Township food pantry distribution. This distribution is held at the Greene County Fairgrounds, the 4th Thursday of every month, from 10:30 a.m. until noon. This is the largest of our eleven food pantry sites and we could really use the help!
- Contact Candace Webster by phone at 724 -627-9784.
- Home Delivered Meal Drivers - Daily Delivery Opportunities at 58 East Greene Street, Waynesburg
- For more information, contact Kadie Baker at 724-852-2893, ext. 520
Eva K. Bowlby Public Library - Daily opportunities available to assist in the:
- Collection Maintenance Department
- Circulation Duty
- Children's Department - Shelving materials, Processing books, Preparing materials for story classes, Manning the Children's desk, etc.
- Family Literacy Center - Tutoring (one-on-one), Small groups, Outreach opportunites
Read the Volunteer E-newsletter here!
Click here to check out other local volunteer opportunities!
Be a Big Ongoing 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Food Pantry Re-Stock Shopping Day Ongoing 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Home Delivered Meal Drivers - Carmichaels Center Ongoing 9:00 am - 11:00 am Home Delivered Meal Drivers - Waynesburg Center Ongoing 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Telephone Reassurance Volunteer Ongoing 10:00 am - 11:00 am Grocery Delivery Volunteer - Carmichaels area Ongoing11:30 am - 1:00 pm Financial Literacy Course Volunteer Instructor Ongoing 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm |